Cycle Terminal

OEM Japanese - Sumitomo HD 250 Connectors

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1 pin Sumitomo HD 250 Female

Terminals Fit wire sizes from .5mm - 2mm (14 - 20 AWG)

PN 6098-0234 Japan

Comes complete with terminals for 14-20 gauge wire.

Comes with secondary lock that is very hard to see in these photos.

                HD 250-1 Female  $2.45 each

Used for some Honda /Acura Fuse box accessory connector from early 90’s to 2009

Extra Terminals can be found at the bottom of this page

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1 pin Sumitomo HD 250 Male

Terminals Fit wire sizes from .5mm - 2mm (14 - 20 AWG)

PN 6098-0232 Japan

Comes complete with terminals for 14-20 gauge wire.

Comes with secondary lock that is very hard to see in these photos.

                HD 250-1 Male  $2.35 each

Used for some Honda /Acura Fuse box accessory connector from early 90’s to 2009

Extra Terminals can be found at the bottom of this page

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HD-250 Non Sealed Connectors

Extra Terminals For HD 250, 305, Hybrid Connector Sets  

6.3mm - .250 Brass

Male Terminal

.5 - 2 mm (14 - 20 AWG)

$0.16 each

MST 1420N

6.3mm - .250 Brass

Female Terminal 1500-0068

Made in Japan

2 - 3 mm (12-14) AWG)

$0.24 each

FST 1214N

6.3mm - .250 Brass

Female Terminal 8240-4140

.5 - 2 mm (14-20 AWG)

$0.23 each

FST 1418N

6.3mm - .250 Brass

Male Terminal

2 - 3 mm2   (12 - 14 AWG)

$0.22 each  

MST 1214N

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2 pin Sumitomo HD 250

Terminals Fit wire sizes from .5mm - 2mm (14 - 20 AWG)

PN 6098-0226 Japan

Comes complete with terminals for 14-20 gauge wire.

Comes with secondary lock that is very hard to see in these photos.

                HD 250-2 Female  $2.45 each

Used for some Honda CBR ignition switches

Used for Some Boss amp and Honda/Acura Boss amp power leads

Extra Terminals can be found at the bottom of this page

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2 pin Sumitomo HD 250

Terminals Fit wire sizes from .5mm - 2mm (14 - 20 AWG)

PN 6098-0224 Japan

Comes complete with terminals for 14-20 gauge wire.

Comes with secondary lock that is very hard to see in these photos.

                    HD 250-2 Male  $2.55 each

Used for some Honda CBR ignition switches

Used for Some Boss amp and Honda/Acura Boss amp power leads

Extra Terminals can be found at the bottom of this page

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3 pin Sumitomo HD 250 Female

Terminals Fit wire sizes from .5mm - 2mm (14 - 20 AWG)

PN 6098-0222 Japan

Comes complete with terminals for 14-20 gauge wire.

Comes with secondary lock that is very hard to see in these photos.

                HD 250-3 Female  $2.80 each

Used for some Honda Rectifier-Regulator Stator Connectors

Extra Terminals can be found at the bottom of this page

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3 pin Sumitomo HD 250 Male

Terminals Fit wire sizes from .5mm - 2mm (14 - 20 AWG)

PN 6098-0220 Japan

Comes complete with terminals for 14-20 gauge wire.

Comes with secondary lock that is very hard to see in these photos.

                    HD 250-3 Male  $2.85 each

Used for some Honda Rectifier-Regulator Stator Connectors

Extra Terminals can be found at the bottom of this page

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Sumitomo HD Series Mounting Clip

Fits HD 090 and 250 305 and Hybrid Series

    HD Tree Clip       $0.65 each

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7 pin Sumitomo HD 250-305 Hybrid Female

250 Terminals Fit wire sizes from 2mm - 3mm (12 - 14 AWG)

305 Terminals fit wire sizes from 2mm - 3mm (12 - 14 AWG)

PN 6950-0366 Japan

Comes with secondary lock.

     HD 250/305 -7 Female  $5.90 each

Used for some Honda/Acura ignition switch Connectors

7 pin Sumitomo HD 250-305 Hybrid Male

250 Terminals Fit wire sizes from 2mm - 3mm (12 - 14 AWG)

305 Terminals fit wire sizes from 2mm - 3mm (12 - 14 AWG)

PN 6950-1030 Japan

Comes with secondary lock.

        HD 250/305 -7 Male  $5.95 each

Used for some Honda/Acura ignition switch Connectors

HD 250/305 Hybrid Connectors

7.8mm - .305 Brass Female Terminal

Sumitomo Part Number:  8242-4050


Wire sizes(14 - 18 AWG)

Applicable wire size  0.85-2.0mm2 (14 - 18 AWG)

Cable overall diameter -  2.4-3.1mm

Material - Brass

Surface treatment - Anti-Corrosion treatment

Thickness - (0.4mm)

$0.48  each FST1418N

7.8mm - .305 Brass Male Terminal

Sumitomo Part Number:  8232-4220


Wire sizes(14 - 18 AWG)

Applicable wire size  0.85-2.0mm2 (14 - 18 AWG)

Cable overall diameter -  2.4-3.1mm

Material - Brass

Surface treatment - Anti-Corrosion treatment

Thickness - (0.8mm)

$0.50 each MST1418N

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HD-250- 305 Hybrid Connectors
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7 pin Sumitomo HD 250 Female

Terminals Fit wire sizes from .5mm - 2mm (14 - 20 AWG)

PN 6098-0214 Japan

Comes complete with terminals for 14-20 gauge wire.

Comes with secondary lock that is very hard to see in these photos.

                HD 250-7 Female  $4.70 each

Used or some Honda Acura - Mitsuba Main Relay Connector

Extra Terminals can be found at the bottom of this page

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7 pin Sumitomo HD 250 Male

Terminals Fit wire sizes from .5mm - 2mm (14 - 20 AWG)

PN 6098-0212 Japan

Comes complete with terminals for 14-20 gauge wire.

Comes with secondary lock that is very hard to see in these photos.

                    HD 250-7 Male  $4.75 each

Used or some Honda Acura - Mitsuba Main Relay Connector

Extra Terminals can be found at the bottom of this page

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5 pin Sumitomo HD 250 Female

Terminals Fit wire sizes from .5mm - 2mm (14 - 20 AWG)

PN 6098-0218 Japan Genuine Sumitomo

Comes complete with terminals for 14-20 gauge wire.

Comes with secondary lock that is very hard to see in these photos.

                HD 250-5 Female  $4.05 each

Used for some Honda Ignition switch Connectors

Extra Terminals can be found at the bottom of this page

5 pin Sumitomo HD 250 Male

Terminals Fit wire sizes from .5mm - 2mm (14 - 20 AWG)

PN 6098-0216 Japan Genuine Sumitomo

Comes complete with terminals for 14-20 gauge wire.

Comes with secondary lock that is very hard to see in these photos.

                    HD 250-5 Male  $4.00 each

Used for some Honda Ignition switch Connectors

Extra Terminals can be found at the bottom of this page

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